AISV - Automatically Inflatable and Stowable Volume for step reduction in WEC cost of energy

NWEC Stage 1 - Public Report - Quoceant Ltd

  • Stage

    Stage 1

  • Project Lead

    Quoceant Ltd

  • Project Sub-Contractors

    The European Marine Energy Centre Ltd, Voestrom Ltd, Optimus (Aberdeen) Ltd, FloWave TT Ltd, Varrich Engineering Design

  • Author

    Quoceant Ltd

  • Date

    June 2017

This is the NWEC stage 1 project summary report for the Quoceant "Automatically Inflatable and Stowable Volume" (AISV) project. The novel concept developed in this project is intended to break the fundamental conflict between performance and survivability by introducing the ability to substantially change the machine hull volume on command.

In the same way that sailing ships reef to deliver both speed and survivability, a selectable hull volume allows a WEC to grow substantially to absorb much more power during most of the year while reverting to a smaller robustly survivable form when the waves are extreme. The AISV technology is intended to provide the economics of an otherwise unsurvivable machine with the survivability of an otherwise uneconomic machine.

Project Keywords: NWEC, Attenuator, Volume Changing, Lessons Learnt

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